We are looking for Distributors! Advantages? The Mobiline Hardware E-mail/SMS Gateway (H-ESG) is a compact modem like equipment. - Reliable - hardware.
- Quick power-up reset
- Not PC based solution!
- No Operating System!
- Easy to install
- Easy to configure
- SMS based IP config.
- T-Base 10 Ethernet
- TCP/IP protocol
- SMTP e-mail protocol
- Built in e-mail server
- GSM 900/1800 or 850/1900 MHz
- Low power consumption
- DC 6-32V power input
- Cheap to buy
- Cheap to operate
For more information.... We are looking for PARTNERS worldwide for distribution of the Hardware E-mail/SMS Gateway (H-ESG). If you are interested in register, please! Contact Head Office of Mobiline Ltd. Address: 1134 Budapest,Lehel u. 14. Hungary International sales: Phone: +36-1-237-8028 Mobiline Slovakia s.r.o. Address: 82106 Bratislava, Podunajská 24, Slovakia Phone: +421-2-45642881 Fax: +421-2-45523127 E-mail: mobiline@mobiline.sk Web: www.mobiline.sk | Would you like to know the status of your mission critical applications, equipment in closed technical rooms or remote server houses? Of course you would...  The Mobiline's Hardware E-mail / SMS Gateway transfers the trouble reports to your GSM phone as (SMS) text messages. | News  03-18-2007, The "swiss army knife" of GSM Gateway industry is ready! The new Mobiline GSM Gateway product line compliant with 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz GSM and the 3G UMTS standards. One Mobiline equipment can be used for 3G/GSM termination all over the world. 03-18-2007, Centralised SIM Storage and Management in the Mobiline GSM Termination Technology. No need to visite GSM Gateways at remote locations for SIM management anymore.. Language  Magyar |